What We Do
We are training and empowering leaders to facilitate sustained transformational change in communities….
We are supporting leaders and missionaries in their own cities, or across the globe…
We are teaching them to obey everything Jesus commanded…and that Jesus is with them to the very end of the age!
We are grateful for partnerships with other professional and ministry organizations that provide a network for us to go into strategic areas of need.
We passionately serve the poor with all of our outreaches to bring humanitarian relief, public health programs, building projects, and medical missions to those in need.
LifeGivers International brings essential resources to developing nations through practical, spiritual, and leadership programs. We passionately serve the poor through our outreaches to bring humanitarian relief, public health programs, building projects, and medical missions to those in need. We support church leadership by recognizing the needs of those already serving the nations. The Great Commission is our great privilege. We joyfully choose to be His hands and feet.
Field Work
Part of the mission of Life Givers International is to assemble professional teams for the purpose of impacting nations to address disease prevention, health promotion, and disaster preparedness. Healthcare professionals are given opportunity to use their expertise and skills to improve health outcomes and train trainers to take the health educational message into remote communities. Public health professionals are collaborating to develop and implement various types of programs designed with strategies to educate leaders, pastors, chaplains, youth, and women how to take responsibility for their health and well-being. Our goal is to stay on the cutting edge of technology and produce public health information that may be disseminated in a variety of ways. Contact us for more information.

Part of the mission of Life Givers International is to assemble professional teams for the purpose of impacting nations to address disease prevention, health promotion, and disaster preparedness. Healthcare professionals are given opportunity to use their expertise and skills to improve health outcomes and train trainers to take the health educational message into remote communities. Public health professionals are collaborating to develop and implement various types of programs designed with strategies to educate leaders, pastors, chaplains, youth, and women how to take responsibility for their health and well-being. Our goal is to stay on the cutting edge of technology and produce public health information that may be disseminated in a variety of ways. Contact us for more information.
Areas of focus
Public Health Education

Training Groups

The LifeGate Project
The Mission of the LifeGate Project is to initiate a HEALTH REVOLUTION by empowering individuals and communities for transformational change through education and hands on training for national leaders.
This is accomplished through sharing basic public health education for the purposes of improving health outcomes by stressing preventive health practices. Instruction using frameworks for disaster preparation, preparedness, response, and recovery are incorporated so that every community has the potential to live healthier lives.
Target populations for the LifeGate materials include Bible School students, pastors, community leaders, chaplains, women, adolescents, and children.

Outreaches to Women
The vision of Outreaches to Women, including teaching on maternal-child healthcare, came as a prophetic word from Bob Jones in 2007 that God was releasing women into the fullness of their destiny. Since then, times of prayer and studying the Word, worshipping in the presence of the Lord, and connecting heart to heart with others has been the mission of Outreaches to Women.
It’s about experiencing the love, acceptance, and release of the Father’s heart and strength to become fearless in walking out every aspect of life…reaching out to the ones who feel rejected, despondent, confused, and worthless. Women are encouraged to step into a freedom and confidence with a renewed relationship with the Lord.

Provider of CPR classes
Fees collected through teaching CPR classes provide funds for the projects of the organization.


South Africa






We are going into all the world and making disciples of the nations through Jesus’ authority.

The LifeGate Project
We are training leaders to create sustained, transformational change
in communities.

We are sending leaders and missionaries to their own cities, or across the globe.