[dg_adh_heading title_prefix=”The mission and vision of Life Givers International is to bring” title_prefix_block=”inline” title_infix=”humanitarian relief and empower leaders” title_infix_block=”inline” title_suffix=”in developing countries to formulate community transformation and sustained change.” title_suffix_block=”inline” heading_margin=”||||false|false” heading_margin_tablet=”|60px||0px|false|false” heading_margin_phone=”-30px|18px|||false|false” heading_margin_last_edited=”on|phone” heading_padding_tablet=”” heading_padding_phone=”||||false|false” heading_padding_last_edited=”on|phone” prefix_margin=”||||false|false” _builder_version=”4.18.0″ _module_preset=”default” title_level=”h1″ title_font=”Work Sans|600|||||||” title_text_align=”left” title_font_size=”34px” title_letter_spacing=”-2px” title_line_height=”1.2em” t_infix_font=”|700|||||||” t_infix_text_color=”#CF4037″ t_suffix_font=”||||||||” title_font_size_tablet=”34px” title_font_size_phone=”28px” title_font_size_last_edited=”on|phone” title_line_height_tablet=”1.2em” title_line_height_phone=”1.2em” title_line_height_last_edited=”on|phone” global_colors_info=”{}”][/dg_adh_heading]


Disaster and Relief

We go into all the world making disciples of all nations through Jesus’ love & authority.


The LifeGate Project

We train leaders to create transformational change in their communities.


Partnership Program

We provide ongoing support for pastors, leaders, and medical professionals.

LifeGivers International exists to become the hands, feet, and voice of Jesus in a world struggling to find peace, satisfaction, and love. We work to establish a Revival of Health and Healing wherever we go so that the life-changing presence of Jesus can penetrate the darkness and bring hope and wellness to many.
[dg_adh_heading title_prefix=”LifeGivers:” title_prefix_block=”inline” title_suffix=”Who you are and what you do.” title_suffix_block=”inline” heading_margin=”|0px||0px|false|true” heading_padding=”|0px||0px|false|true” prefix_padding=”|0px||0px|false|true” _builder_version=”4.18.0″ _module_preset=”default” title_font=”Work Sans|700|||||||” title_text_align=”center” title_text_color=”#000000″ title_font_size=”30px” t_prefix_text_color=”#CF4037″ custom_margin=”||||false|false” custom_margin_tablet=”||||false|false” custom_margin_phone=”||15px||false|false” custom_margin_last_edited=”on|phone” title_font_size_tablet=”30px” title_font_size_phone=”28px” title_font_size_last_edited=”on|phone” global_colors_info=”{}”][/dg_adh_heading]
[dg_adh_heading title_prefix=”Our” title_suffix=”Projects” heading_margin_tablet=”” heading_margin_phone=”||0px||false|false” heading_margin_last_edited=”on|phone” heading_padding_tablet=”” heading_padding_phone=”||0px||false|false” heading_padding_last_edited=”on|phone” _builder_version=”4.18.0″ _module_preset=”default” title_font=”Work Sans|700|||||||” title_text_align=”center” title_text_color=”#000000″ title_font_size=”60px” t_suffix_text_color=”#CF4037″ title_font_size_tablet=”60px” title_font_size_phone=”32px” title_font_size_last_edited=”on|phone” global_colors_info=”{}”][/dg_adh_heading]

The LifeGate Project

The LifeGate Project is a series of faith-based programs that present information on health promotion, disease prevention, and disaster preparedness training. Its mission is to initiate a health revolution by empowering individuals and communities for transformational change through education and hands-on training for national leaders.

The LifeGate Project

The LifeGate Project is a series of faith-based programs that present information on health promotion, disease prevention, and disaster preparedness training. Its mission is to initiate a health revolution by empowering individuals and communities for transformational change through education and hands-on training for national leaders.

Outreaches to Women

In 2007, when Bob Jones gave the prophetic word that God was releasing women into the fullness of their destiny, the vision of Outreaches to Women came to life. Since then, this ministry has focused on prayer, Bible study, deep worship, and connecting hearts to Jesus. Women are activated to fearlessly walk out their divine calling by experiencing the Father’s heart.

A Revival of Health

We develop language appropriate teaching manuals and tools about the whole person—body, soul, & spirit—to share with national leader for instigating a health revolution in communities around the globe.

A Revival of Health

We develop language appropriate teaching manuals and tools about the whole person—body, soul, & spirit—to share with national leader for instigating a health revolution in communities around the globe.

LifeGivers International brings essential resources to developing nations through practical, spiritual, and leadership programs. We passionately serve the poor through our outreaches to bring humanitarian relief, public health programs, building projects, and medical missions to those in need. We support church leadership by recognizing the needs of those already serving the nations. The Great Commission is our great privilege. We joyfully choose to be His hands and feet.

[dg_adh_heading title_prefix=”The” title_suffix=”Directors” heading_margin=”||0px||false|false” heading_padding=”||10px||false|false” suffix_margin=”||0px||false|false” suffix_padding=”||0px||false|false” _builder_version=”4.18.0″ _module_preset=”default” title_font=”Work Sans|700|||||||” title_text_align=”left” title_text_color=”#000000″ title_font_size=”60px” t_suffix_text_color=”#CF4037″ custom_margin=”||0px||false|false” custom_padding=”||0px||false|false” custom_padding_tablet=”||0px||false|false” custom_padding_phone=”||10px||false|false” custom_padding_last_edited=”on|phone” title_font_size_tablet=”60px” title_font_size_phone=”32px” title_font_size_last_edited=”on|phone” locked=”off” global_colors_info=”{}”][/dg_adh_heading]

Tom and Brenda Jones have been partners in ministry since their marriage in 1973, serving in various ministry positions in Tennessee, California, and Florida. LifeGivers is the expression of their passion as they use their God-given talents and skills to serve those in need and fulfill the Great Commission. This goal is fulfilled by bringing others with them to reach people groups who are in need of health, healing, training, and education.

[dg_adh_heading title_prefix=”The ” title_infix=”Lifegate” title_suffix=”Team” heading_margin=”||15px||false|false” heading_padding=”||10px||false|false” _builder_version=”4.19.0″ _module_preset=”default” title_font=”Work Sans|700|||||||” title_text_align=”center” title_text_color=”#000000″ title_font_size=”60px” t_prefix_text_color=”#000000″ t_infix_text_color=”#CF4037″ t_suffix_text_color=”#000000″ custom_margin=”||-6px|||” title_font_size_tablet=”60px” title_font_size_phone=”32px” title_font_size_last_edited=”on|phone” locked=”off” global_colors_info=”{}”][/dg_adh_heading]

Dr. Brenda Jones

Dr. Linda Taanevik

Dr. Rebecca Williams

Colleen Parkins

The LifeGate Team is comprised of medical and public health professionals who are passionate about spreading the life-changing presence of Jesus in practical ways…through health teachings, demonstrations, and partnering with the Holy Spirit to ignite a Revival of Health. For over 10-years, members of the LifeGate team have served around the globe. The team continues to develop manuals based on solid medical and public health knowledge and principles designed to promote health and prevent disease.